Submissions by Doyoungkim tagged doyoung-kim

General idea of the game.

It's a Multiplayer based speed game. Players are the warriors who try to prove themselves by damaging a monster than the other players. The way of killing a monster is by typing a key or keys.

A monster, filled with full of Characters, words, Sentences, paragraphs will be summoned. As the players correctly type, the words will be destroyed and when it's all gone the players will win.

Several mode of game type can be provided.

- A cooperative game with time limit.

- Player vs Player with limited words provided or limited time.

- Different difficulty of words to type.


The game should provide some levels for the players, and some statistical information on the speed of typing so the player can track they position. If the game can provide some tips or educational ideas will be even greater.

Goal of the game.

The aim of the game is to improve the typing skill. And the game can be played short period of the time and still feel satisfying. And also the game can be educational. As the players will achieve something.

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General idea of the game.

It's a tower defense game. The player becomes a defender of a city. The player will build towers to defend the city from an army that is either sent by another player or auto-generated.

The player will need to build a maze and tower in the limited space that he is allowed to have. The key points of the game are

The attack of the army only last short period of the time. (Probably 1min or less.)

Be able to save your position of the map and change and upgrade at your next login.

Be able to adjust the level of the game.

Goal of the game.

The aim of the game is that all the players without much time can play the game continuously. And the game can be played short period of the time and still feel satisfying. Obviously the game also need to provide the different mode for players who plays a lot. Eg. Endless waves, Highest score, Special upgrade etc.

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