Submissions by Diego.Espino tagged platforming

Genre: Platformer, Graphic adventure game, Point and Click, Fantasy.

Platform: PC

Demographic: For all ages. I am aiming for a public that would like story telling games, to understand the meaning of why I do games and to see the character development.

Game Description: In Luminaria you will be playing as a little boy called Adrew that is currently sitting in his throne, the thing is, this boy is the king of the whole galaxy of Luminaria but the thing is no person visits him or at least exist in his galaxy. He is just alone there. One night, as he watched the clear night, he saw a star falling down the sky, as he approved the star, he realized how beautiful the stars are while he was watching it. After a while, the boy watched how the star came to life, much later the star began to fly and speak. The star began to speak to the boy and told him to play which the boy agrees, later as the two became bored of not doing nothing, the star made a request. This request was about on exploring the other planets, the boy was scared at first but then he agreed to accompany the little star.

Gameplay Explanation: You will be controlling Andrew and the little star with the mouse. This game is a platformer you will be jumping avoiding monsters with the help of your star. Your star will have a unique ability which will help you avoiding these monsters by the star emitting pure light when you click on them with your mouse. The boy and the star will be exploring different 7 planets on the galaxy of Luminaria which the 7 planets which will represent the 7 Deadly sins, each planet will have different set of characters and problems. Andrew and his little star will go on a journey of self-exploring and growing up.


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Genre: Roguelike, Platforming, Dungeon Crawler.

Platform: Mobile

Demographic: The audience that I seek for the game is for 15 years and older. For people that like to play a different dungeon combined with a bit of platforming.

Game Description: In dungeon escape you will play as Reflet in this roguelike game. Reflet is a brave adventurer that likes to go to mysterious places that have not been visited before. Reflet is also an expert on the topic of exploring dungeons and knowing how to deal with the traps that are all over the place. Relfet has a variety of weapons and tools that can help him in his adventures. One night at a tavern, Reflet, heard that there was this dungeon near the castle of the town that has never been explored, he also heard that there was a strange rumor in that cave, that cave was only explorable in the night. Reflet without a doubt went to that cave as soon as he finished eating in the tavern.
Upon entering in the cave, Relfet was cursed with an old spell that wrapped his whole body until he could not see anything. When he woke up, he was in a jail hearing someone´s footsteps being louder. He was seeing a shadow asking him a question “Do you wish to begin your trial?”. Reflet could not believe what was happening so he did not answer, and the shadow took his silence as a no. After the shadow left the chamber, Reflet heard a man´s voice that was coming from the cell besides him, explaining that this was no ordinary dungeon. He was in the Darkness Dungeon a place that test the strength of a person. Upon hearing that Relfet made his mind crystal clear and began to mentally prepare himself to escape the dungeon.

Gameplay of the Game: In this game Reflet will be able to buy some weapons and tools from the shop and use them like the player wants to each playthrough be extremely unique. Also, each time the player wants to begin the dungeons will be different making the game to be extremely unique. Reflet can use different type of weapons that let him fight monsters that are in the dungeon, is up to the player to chose whatever weapon to use.


Thanks to for the image of the game

Género: Juego de Plataformas

Plataforma: Móvil

Demografía: Para 10 años en adelante. Para personas que les gusten los juegos de correr sin fin y con un poco de sigilo.

Descripción del Juego: Eres Arturo, un joven que siempre ha amado la cultura Coreana, lo que más te encanta es la música coreana por suerte, Panamá por alta demanda ha traído un sin número de bandas Coreanas. Pero, cuando vas a comprar un boleto en línea te das cuenta de que están agotadas las entradas sin embargo, eso no te impide que escuches a tus bandas coreanas, así que tienes la decisión de, si o si vas a entrar, ya sea ilegalmente o no. Ya llegado el día del esperado te das cuenta de que no hay forma de que llegues al concierto, ya que las calles están repletas de autos y se ha formado un tranque en la ciudad. De pronto, tienes la decisión de correr, ya que, es lo único que tienes para llegar al concierto a tiempo.
Objetivo y Mecánicas del Juego:
• Tu objetivo es llegar al concierto antes de que empiece, este juego tendrá como objetivo que llegues antes del tiempo que se indica. Si Arturo llega a tiempo tendrá 3 estrellas y será un nivel completado a la perfección, si Arturo llega a demorar se le bajará las estrellas y llegara tarde al concierto, esto hace que pierdas y tengas que volver a comenzar el nivel

• Una vez llegues al concierto ya sea tarde o temprano deberás tratar de entrar de una manera ilegal, esto implica que esta sección del juego sea de sigilo. Tu objetivo es tratar de evitar a todos los guardias y llegar a los puestos del concierto. Esto también afectara a la puntuación de las estrellas.

• El juego también contará con un modo de correr sin fin, para que los jugadores traten de tener una puntuación máxima.


Gracias a por la imagen:

Genre: Adventure, Platforming, hack and slash.

Platform: PC, Mobile, PS4, Switch.

Demographic: T (for teen) for people that want a casual game of platforming with a mix of hack and slash.

Game Description: The game is set in the planet of Veluria, a planet known in the whole galaxy for having the most advances in technology. In this game you play as a person that the most dangerous job in this planet a mailman. Why a mailman has the most terrifying job when you have all the best technologies in the world you ask? Well, this is not the typical mailman that we know, these people deliver the most and important packages as fast as they can to their destination. These brave and adventurous mailmen have the best of the best when we refer to equipment, they specialize in being the fastest and strongest people in the world, most of the time people confuse them as the knights because of their appearance. This mailmen are recognized as the as The Holy Postalmen of Veluria.

Here you play as Eldigan, a passionate and motivating mailman that loves his job and is in charge of an important package of medicines that is required in the village next to his kingdom. Eldigan in his way there comes upon a strange a red glowing piece of blade which glows the more he goes south. In this game you will visit the 7 kingdoms delivering the packages that are instructed to you and in the way you will find more about the mysterious weapon that you found. Here in this medieval and technological world, the monsters are weird lately as if someone is controlling them, your enemies will be all kinds of monsters, depending on the kingdom you visit, and you will meet several monsters that are always trying to attack you.

In this 2D platforming game, the player will start from the left and will go to the right like the sonic games. Eldigan will have all kinds of weapons that will help him throughout his delivers, Eldigan is equipped with the most advance technological boots that grants him the boost he needs to go fast. He is also equipped with a sword which helps him defeat the enemies and bandits that are trying to stop him. When he is not in his job he will be able to visit his kingdom allowing him to make improvements to his equipment and talking to the people gathering information of all sorts of things.


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