Submissions by davidp tagged 2d-pixel-platformer-invert-gravity


A futuristic 2D pixel platformer with a button to invert gravity.

Play as a astronaut investigating a heavily damaged space station attacked by unknown alien enemies with an option to invert gravity to work through puzzles and levels. Enemies will be present and the player will have to use the gravity to defeat these enemies and continue through the game.

Completing the game will happen when the player clears the space station and makes it out alive.

The game would be arcade styled and be designed for PC, Xbox and Playstation, borrowing from games like Super Meat Boy.

The games art style would be 2D pixel art.

Standard Keyboard controls, Up, Down, Left, Right to move, Space to jump and V to invert Gravity

I would want the game to be very fluid and have a possibility for speed running.

Features include:

  • Gravity shift
  • Low gravity rooms
  • Slow moving enemies
  • Health pickups
  • Detailed pixel art style