Submissions by David tagged 2d


Somehow, by some bizarre ritual, you've ended up in a place known as earth and compared to the hellish place where you've come from, the earthlings here seem to be both abundant and weak. Seeing an opportunity to rule a world of your own, you embark on a journey to evolve yourself into the ultimate lifeform.


Consume and adapt is a 2D web-browser game where you play as a creature from another world. The player starts off as a human sized organism with the ability to eat people. As the player eats more and more people, they gain evolution points. As they evolve, the player is presented with options to make better themselves stronger. As they continue to grow stronger and get bigger, they will be able to eat more people at once or eat bigger things. Eventually, the worlds military forces will come to stop you, so the player must have gotten strong enough to defend against their attacks. The player wins once there is nothing in the world that can stop them, otherwise, if their HP falls to zero before then, the player loses.



You've always been one with a kind heart but unfortunately, you've been forced to join a gang of which likes to do all the things that you don't. However, you must do it. In order to support yourself and your family you're going to have to become a full-fledged member of the gang.


"Karma" is a 2D side-scroller game about balancing good and bad deeds in order to achieve a specific outcome. Karma plays out by taking into the account the actions of the player then progressing the player through the matching stages. At any given time, the player will have the opportunity to make decisions that will affect their Karma. However, with every action is an equally powerful reaction, so even though the player did something good for say the family, the gang may not approve of what you did. Karma is meant to be a story driven game with gameplay elements to empathize the impact of that story. Of course, the story will be decided on the player's action so multiple endings will be incorporated into the game.



It's no secret that playing the support role isn't all too fun. But someone has to do it, and well, it may as well be you. Playing the support role really wasn't all that fun until you realize how much the support actually does. An entire game could be decided based on your actions and the best part about it is you would never be to blame.


"The support" is a 2D decision making game about the life of a support player. The player plays as a member in an up and coming E-Sports team who are running in the world's champion ship games. Though this may be confusing, the player will be playing the character's game character whenever a tournament match comes up. The game with the game will be a top-down shooter game which has the objective of eliminating the entire enemy team, capturing the flag or controlling the hill. However, when the player exits the game within the game, they will be put into another top down game where they can interact with NPC's and most importantly their team mates. Every game you play can be won or lost depending on the actions the player…I mean THE REAL player takes. With each win or lose, the player alters the outcome of the game. Remember, no matter how big a play you make, your team may under-appreciate you and may even come to think that you contribute NOTHING to the team. However, they don't know the value of a support and the will never know until it is gone. With this concept in mind, it's easy to see why the player would decide to purposely NOT shoot that guy, not place that ward or NOT heal your team-mate. The game takes a similar path to the game "Life is Strange" but instead of plain decision making, you have the added intensity of the top-down shooter as well.




You are the being who has seen the very face of god! Through this miraculous meeting, you have gained knowledge far beyond the comprehension of any man and as they say, knowledge is power. Now that you have seen the face of god you are herald as some kind of powerful being with your words being absolute.


All knowing is a 2D game played in a bird's eyes view where the player is forced to make decisions that change the outcome of civilization. The player controls a kingdom that operates entirely under their control but not everyone in the world is convinced about following you. Due to this, there will other kingdoms that will try to attack the player but the player will have the ability to see what will happen in the future because the player is all knowing. The player will be prompted to make decisions based around this mechanic whenever something major comes up. These things include technological developments, war declarations and imminent disasters.


A 2D side-scroller hack and slash game where you play as a zombie that goes around seeking brains for food. Unlike most zombies, you were smart (or lucky) enough to have received an Adamantium helmet put on your head, so you don't go down as easily as the others.

Unfortunately, your limbs will get torn apart and eventually you will be doomed to fail. The objective of the game is to get as far as you can and collect as many brains as you can. Once the player dies they are re-directed to the menu screen where they can spend their new found knowledge (brains collected) on upgrades and equipment that will enable them to get further in the game or collect more brains.

The game will be played on mobile platforms and have simple controls such as jump and attack. The character will automatically move to the right constantly until death.



Whether it's because you're a time traveler, a prophet or just smart, you know that somewhere in the very near future, the earth is going to go through its 6th extinction event. Time is limited. You have at least 3 years to prepare for the event and it is your job to save as many people as you can. However, this isn't as easy as it sounds. You "know" that this event is going happen (and trust me it will) but how are you meant to convince a large majority of the population without sounding crazy? Remember the 2012 event and how nothing happened? Well, luckily there are different ways.


Mass Extinction will have a bird's eye view over the entire world. You can select different countries and cities to zoom in on them and then do a variety of options to them. The player will be able to prepare for the extinction event by using things like the internet to spread rumors, or making connections to people to build "things" that would serve to be useful during the extinction event. There will also be other elements such as "researching" to find evidence of your theory.

Each time the player plays through the game the extinction event changes. It could be anything from a natural disaster to a nuclear fallout. The player must look for signs that will be given throughout the game and determine what kind of event will happen before it's too late.

Art work: