Submissions by Chris Andisen tagged sick

In this game you have to convince your parents that you are sick and you can not go to school because heaven forbid that you make other people sick, There are multiple ways you can make yourself appear to be sick, Perhaps sticking the thermometer in a cup of hot coffee to heat it up when nobody is looking, or perhaps you can do your best sick face look, If you fail to convince your parents that you are sick then you will be immediately sent to school where you will have to do mathmatics, Each level of the game gets harder and harder and you can buy items to help you through the game such as Coffee, Fake Vomit, Fake Sick Makeup and more, after a while you will have to do more than convince your parents you are sick, You must continue to do so for the entire school day and only play video games when the parents are not in the room, Failure to do so will definitely result in being sent to sit in the time out corner because doing bad things is bad