Submissions by Chris Andisen tagged chrisandisen008

A Game where you aim to get the most likes on a single thing in the entire world, You start off as a simple person trying to get likes on their latest facebook post you can do this in different ways for example you could beg your friends which gets you about 1 Like every 5-10 Begs, or you could boost your facebook post with facebook by spending likes to get an increased amount of automatic likes for a certain period of time, Eventually you can move onto getting likes for bigger and better things, Perhaps you now want to get the most favorites and retweets on a tweet you posted on twitter, The more retweets you get the more likely it is to be seen by other people who aren't even following you on twitter that might favorite and retweet it, Every Like/Favorite/+1 you get in the game is automatically converted into the games currency 1:1 Which is called Lieks (Pronounced as Likes) which can be used to purchase new upgrades such as Twitter Account Generator auto retweet your tweets every 10 Seconds or so, The game ends once you have used your Lieks to purchase Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and become the overlord of the internet