Submissions by Chloe tagged steampunk

This game has a Steampunk setting, located in London in the early 20th century. You begin as a lowly midshipman in the Regimental Aeronautics Division. As you climb the ranks you can eventually ascend to become Captain of your airship. There will be airship battles between sky pirates and sky monsters so you will have to hone both your leadership skills to command your crew in the face of danger and also combat with pistol and sword. Missions issued from your Admiral will take you across Europe as you fight for your country and your life. There will be a highly customisable weapon system where you can switch parts and upgrades as well as to your airship. This allows you to make modifications pertaining to your specific requirements. You will also have to analyse each crew members skills and weaknesses to judge which position they will take up on the ship.

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