Submissions by Cesar.Silvera tagged puzzle

Genre: puzzle, 3D

Platform: Phones.

Demographic: this is a game for people who like unconventional puzzles and being a mobile game they can enjoy it anywhere and anytime they want

Game Description: is a third person puzzle game where the player controls 7 explorers and his objective is to solve puzzles .

The story of the game is that in the year 2020, the tomb of the legendary empress Cleopatra VII was found inside a pyramid, but before accessing the tomb, an ancient mechanism was activated that caused 12 huge temples to rise around the sands. of the great pyramid and then a few words appeared on the gates of the tomb (to meet the empress you must first prove that you are worthy and survive 12 tests), then a group of explorers volunteered to pass the tests.

each temple will have 7 floors and to advance on each floor you must solve a puzzle, they will vary among themselves but the main basis of these is the positioning and coordination of the 7 characters, for example in a puzzle to be able to advance the player must make the 7 characters press some plates in an exact time and sequence, No puzzle of the game will have instructions since on each floor there will be clues to solve each one of them, so it is important that the player observes his environment well,
When entering a new floor, the player will be able to explore the area to discover how the puzzle of that floor works, then they will be able to try to solve it as many times as they want until they overcome.

the player will be able to control one character at a time and switch between them whenever he wants, he will also be able to control simple actions of the other characters without having to change them although the commands will be simple like (jump, run, press).
the game will cost 5 dollars and will not have microtransactions.

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