Submissions by cdrch tagged command-lineconsole

After some time spent learning more about the basics of Rust, I ended up taking the tutorial from yesterday and expanding it into a more complex game. Not quite as fancy as I'd like, but then, I wouldn't particularly like to spend too much more time working on console guessing games. That said...this was way more enjoyable than when I remember doing this sort of thing learning other languages. Is it because I aged, because of my recent motivation, or because of Rust? I have no clue, but here's the results.

The game has you guessing three numbers before you hit either of the two bad ones, akin to a very simple text Minesweeper game. It's even easier than I expected it would be once you get a hang of the patterns, but I'm still pleased with it in general. I may or may not make one more variant before moving onto something more complex. I may start branching out into graphical programs, or I may wait until I'm further along in the Rust Book.

In either case, I think I can definitely say that so far it appears that taking notes via input into Anki is a success. I feel like I definitely was forced to learn more thoroughly and will be able to retain information more easily. Time will tell exactly how successful I am, though.

It's a small thing, but today I started to learn Rust, and I appreciated the official book about learning Rust starting with a Hello World and then a game of some sort. Learning through games has always been a bit (or a lot) easier for me, and I enjoyed laying things out for this, even though it was far simpler than anything I've made in a while - makes me want to make more games in Rust, and in general!