Submissions by calebmcculloch tagged zombies


Basically Arise is the reverse of a tower defense game. You, the player, play as a necromancer in charge of a small rundown cemetery in the middle of some small town. Finally it is time release your undead zombie hoard on the world, but first you must get them past the cathedral grounds. To do this you must build spawning pits that will release zombies in waves, and then guide these zombies through the cathedral grounds as they get shot at and slaughtered by holy relics and priests. Once you get a certain number of zombies out of the cathedral gates, you will win the level. Think along the lines of TDG and Dungeon Keeper.

Use money gathered to upgrade your zombies and buy gear for them as well as buying pits that will spawn different kinds of undead with different resistances and attacking power/movement speed.

Make sure to vary your attacks and waves of zombies to get through!

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