Submissions by calebmcculloch tagged vikings

Iceberg Bezerkers is a ios game that is in the same genre as other ios/facebook games such as clash of clans and backyard monsters. However the intention for Iceberg Bezerkers is to create a quality game in that same tap-and-harvest/supply manager genre; To combine that crazy addictive gameplay that is found in those sorts of games and combine that with actual player progression and quality game play. in this one the player takes control of a crew of Vikings who, by some curse of the trickster god Loki, have been wrecked on an iceberg. With meager supplies left the player must build them shelter and help them thrive once more.

The overall goal for the player is to get the Vikings back on their feet, build them another ship and begin raiding other places for supplies (using those to pimp out their Iceberg.
But before that the player must help the Vikings survive. Build them shelter and get them a steady source of food by fishing off the edge. The player can send the Vikings off to explore the iceberg (its quite big) and they may come back with supplies from other wrecks.
The player can also construct and then upgrade a long ship which can be sent off on raids, these bring back supplies and treasure.

Things take time to build but not ridiculous amounts, just enough to hit that perfect addictive spot that will keep players coming back without affecting game play.

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