Submissions by calebmcculloch tagged trains

Train Track Empire

Train Track Empire is a topdown RTS railroad simulation game. Each player must set up a bunch of rail road tracks around a city and then their trains down them, transporting goods and people for $$. It is the goal of each player to build their own massive train track empire. Players can take on deals and do quests to build tracks to certain areas.

There will be alot of different hidden stats that effect how many passengers get on and how much money trains will earn. Players must upkeep their tracks, and make sure that their stations dont fall into disrepair. Players may also buy other train companies that control certain areas of the city to build in those areas.

The game is endless but goals can be put into the game for player to achieve, these goals will be something along the lines of: earn x amount of money, have a networth over x, and control x amount of the city.

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