Submissions by calebmcculloch tagged story

In Memoriam

In Memoriam is a 2D platformer explorer game where the player takes the place of an ethereal being reliving the forgotten memories inside the mind of an old cancer patient lying on his deathbed. As the player progresses and the memories are found a sad story of sorts starts unfolding. Think along the lines of "To the Moon".

The player must solve puzzles to get through the levels as he helps the old man relive his life, over coming childhood fears and achieving things in life. The object of the game is too remember some important memory, about the woman he loved, so that he can rest in peace. Objects from memories that the player has discovered will show up in the level afterwards and will have their own puzzle mechanic attached to it.

The art style will change slightly as the man grows up in maturity throughout the game. There will be lots of weather and ambient visual/sound effects. The ending will be bittersweet.

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