Submissions by calebmcculloch tagged rope

Puzzle Rope

Puzzle Rope is an endless climber puzzle game for ios and android devices. The player must help an adventurer climb the cliff face of an active volcano by creating a pathway of rope up the mountain. This is done by selecting a climbing peg and swiping your finger up to another one. This will cause a rope to appear between these pegs and allow the player to climb up the rope. The player must keep on placing these ropes for the adventurer as the game gets harder and harder. The screen will continuously scroll upwards so if the adventurer falls below the screen he will fall.

Other hindrances for the player will include:

Cracks in cliff face that will burn all ropes placed over them.
Bird nests and birds that will attack the adventurer
Gusty winds
Falling rocks

The player will earn money depending on how high the Adventurer managed to climb. This money can be spent on buying outfits, new characters to play as, and different mountains/things to climb (e.g the side of a pirate ship).

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