Submissions by calebmcculloch tagged parcor

Goopers Big Escape is a 2D puzzle game. The player takes the role of a failed human-to-matter experiment, Gooper, and must escape the confines of a large, guarded, science facility. Even though the experiment is a failure, Gooper still managed to live with a number of qualities found in goo. The player must use these qualities to escape the facility.

Goopers Big Mistake will be a fast paced platformer game. The player must think quickly to escape using his abilities. Gooper will be chased by security, shot at by defenses, and hunted down by dog-bots. Each level will be open ended and will have multiple ways to get through. To escape, Gooper must first collect the blue, green, and red security keys to get through the main gates. They will also be a speed run mode where the player is timed and also a ghost mode where the player can race his previous runs.


Goo-morgh: The player can temporarily change into its gooey state. This will allow the player to quickly move through thin obstacles, become immune to projectiles, or squeeze through tight spaces.

Goo-control: The player can use his innate gooness to shoot out a blog of goo and control it for a while. He can also control other goey blobs and failed experiments that he comes across. Though these experiments are even less complete and only last a short while.

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