Submissions by calebmcculloch tagged music

Mariachi madness is a rhythmm based ios game where the player takes the role of a mariachi band and must please guests in different locations in order to make money and earn fame. To do this the player will select a band member and then use the touch pad to tap out a beat or rhythmm. The Mariachi guy will then play his instrument in time with your beat. The player will then tap the next member of the band to select him and then tap out a rhythmm for him to play to. This is how the player will control how the band plays. To change the tempo of a certain musician the player must select the musician and then re-tap the beat he wants him to play at.

The player must judge the situation and decide what type of song is appropriate for the situation. If the player cannot play well or does not play appropriatly, his appeal meter will go down. Once the player's appeal meter hit zero you get kicked out of the restaurant and make no money. However the higher the meter is the more money your will get paid.

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