Submissions by calebmcculloch tagged kids

This Online Multiplayer game for kids is designed to be used as a tool for parents. They can use their account to assign points (insert in game currency name) to their children for doing house hold tasks and chores. These points can be cashed in in game and will be used as a form of currency to unlock and buy things. The parent will need to have a verified account and will be allocated a number of points that they can give to their children each week. The game is similar to that of club penguin. It will be multiplayer online, and be curency focused with a bunch of mini games and places to explore. The players can use the points to buy outfits, pimp out their homes and pay for items and things.

The intent of this game is to create a much more fun version of reward charts that the next generation of kids will enjoy and will be motivated to do work around the house.

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