Submissions by calebmcculloch tagged flying

Super Myth Racing is a 3D aerial racing game where each player is in control of a winged mythological beast and must fly along a pathway that winds around something like a castle or through a series of caves. Player can fly through hoops to gain a short speed boost. These hoops also lead the way around each map, helping newer players to navigate the path. Similar to games like Crash Team Racing or Mario Kart, Super Myth Racing has a pick up system which allows players to grab mystery eggs from the air these eggs will soon hatch and give the player a onetime ability. These abilities can range from simple speed boosts, to weapon abilities fire spray or summoning hunting imps that will chase down everyone ahead of you.

The player can choose from a series of mythological beasts to race with. Each species will have a rating out of five of each of the three stats: speed, maneuverability and acceleration.
The different species are: Dragons, Griffins, Gargoyles, Phoenixes, Hippogriffs and Wyverns.

The would also be a battle mode and a capture the flag mode.

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