Submissions by calebmcculloch tagged arcade

in 3D tetris the player views the game from a third person view. The camera will follow the tetris piece from over the sholder. The player must then from this view, navigate so that it will fit into the whole-in-the-wall that is approving very quickly. The twist comes in the fact that the player must navigate three seperat peices on three different planes. The player can press the tab key to rotate between this screens/planes.

The player can also rotate each tetris block with the wasd keys. Each time the player gets a block sucesfully through each wall the player is awarded points based on the difficulty of the block. A new random block also spawned again on that screen. As the player lasts longer in each level, the walls will approach faster and faster. A new screen will appear after every 30 seconds. The player can reduce this down by one if he completes 10 walls. The player will have three lives, after that though its game over.

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