Submissions by calebmcculloch tagged 50s-spaceman-style

Astroid Ziggs is a private detective working who lives on Saturn in the mid 2700's. In this 2D action/mystery/noir rpg game set in our solar system, the player plays as a cyborg private detective/bounty hunter who is given the job of travelling to mars to figure out who murdered the billionaire plantation owner Maxus Plantbry. The player will discover that a much deeper web of criminals are behind it and must hunt them down if he wants to get his money.

The player is given free reign and will travel around the solar system uncovering secrets and tracking down and beating info out of suspect criminals. Each planet is large enough that it can accomodate multiple large cities. it will be possible to walk entirely around each city, although Jupiter in particular would take quite a while. Ziggs while have to bribe his way into private functions, sneak along in sewers and break into and steal from mansions to find the contacts and info he needs. Nothing is below the belt when a large sum of cash is involved.

Their will be multiple other quests available to the player to make some cash on the side, as well as a bunch of other objectives to do should the player get bored of the main quest. The player will also have to make sure he has enough to do the basics such as refueling his ship, restocking on ammo and buying bigger guns.

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