Submissions by BrandenAlbertyn tagged jimmie

As the Grim Reapers son, Jimmie Reaper, you are told as part of you daily chore that you must round up all lose spirits and guide them to the after life. You have been given the Grims net to enable to catch these spirits, you will need to have a keen eye and fast reflexes as ghosts tend to hide. Each of the spirits will have a colour assigned to them to allowing the player to identify the class and ability. Blue can teleport, Yellow has increased speed, grey has the ability to become invisible and green can look like objects. red ghosts on the other hand are evil spirit, evil spirits require apeassal before capture. throughout the game some level will have a time limit where you are able to pick up power ups such as, special cup cake the will apeasse all red spirits and as well and reveal all hidden spirits and upgrade your net. The over all goal of the game is to win your father pride.

Ape Escape 3: