Submissions by ben.wal7029 tagged grandma

Grandma simulator. Grandma likes to have the family around, and makes things for the grandkids, some like cookies, some she likes to make clothes for and some she just wants to hit.The game has timed levels and subtle, grim undertones. When you collect time grandma clutches her heart for a second before breathing a sigh of relief, or if theres a specific grandchild there and you dont make it for them in time she just grins wickedly and doesnt get penalised for it.

Similar to kitchen or cooking game apps, grandma only has two hands but can only do 1 thing at a time, but she can have cooking going while she knits with both hands, or she can prepare ingredients to be baked but that also uses both hands, and if shes unfortunate she can get the ingredients on her which slows down her knitting.

Starts off as just one grand child, but grandma has a big family and eventually its all the grandchildren and the great grandchildren and at this point grandma can tell kids off, as a distraction to her knittting and baking but it also stops them from slowing her down, and means she doesnt have to make them things this time. Also means less points however so a balance is needed