Submissions by andinalmira tagged 37

This is an Augmented reality card game! It's like a board game and it's perfectly playable without any AR.

So you'll have a board which is like a continent and throughout the continent there's multiple areas, like forests, swamps, deserts, sea and etc. It's like a monopoly board but it's a map. Players take turn to roll a dice to determine where their start position is. For example, if you roll a 3 then you go to position no.3 and because it is a dice6, you'll have 6 preset starting positions. If that position is already been taking, someone has to reroll to get another position that is still empty.

Then you get to draw a card, 2 cards, from 2 decks. 1 is an action deck and the other one is minion deck. Minions can be played on your turn and can be moved around the map they can fight, build, and gather depending on the minion.

The goal is to take control of the entire board. Throughout the board map there are "resource nodes" that players can occupy and depending on the node, they might give some benefits like; Node __ makes you draw an additional action card per turn or other things.

Now, what's the AR for exactly?

So if you were to use AR glasses, you can see your minions above the cards and they interact with the boards. For example animations of what your minions will be doing, like gathering or attacking. The AR is a feature purely visual, and each areas in the map like forests, deserts and seas will have their own properties so elements in this game is also crucial in combat.