Submissions by andinalmira tagged 33

A game fits for Nintendo DS/3DS and the kinds.

It's a hack and slash RPG game, where you'll play as a student in a junior highschool. Music is a big thing, they are magical! You are a musician, with an instrument of your choice, that are looking for new band mates to compete with other bands.

The combat in this game will be with your musical instrument, slashing your stylus on the screen with various motions will set different skills. You can also change parts of your instrument to have different skill sets you can use every battle. The battle will be between you and other musicians! For both band battle, or recruiting! When you have some band members with you, you can take them along for music battles. You can also equip your team with different instrument as well as train them to be good at it so they'll have a better way to handle them.

Your main mission is to win a Band Tournaments with your fellow band members with lots of obstacle in the way!