Submissions by andinalmira tagged 31

This game is an RPG with a turn-based combat revolving around a shape-shifter. You are a human being with incredible skills, passed down from generations to generations, as a shape-shifter. You have a burning passion to be the best shape-shifter and to defeat the World Beasts, known to be the strongest creatures in the world!

In the start of the game you will only have 1 creature that you can shape-shift to. Note that you can either fight with your human form or your creature form it is up to your play style. You can turn into your beast form in combat, but not likely outside combat except if there's certain events that requires you to do so.

To shape shift to a different creature you'd need to raise the certain creature's mastery bar to max. You could, however, turn into the new creature without maxed mastery but you will be weak and can only turn into it for a small amount of time. Every creatures have different amount of mastery points needed, harder/higher tier creatures will need more mastery points to master it. Each time you defeat monster you'll get mastery points for each.

It is possible to turn into boss type monster or even the World Beast, but it is very difficult and requires a lot amount of points and time.rakshas_by_gaudibuendia-d6vy24z