Submissions by andinalmira tagged 25

You are playing as an older girl in her sophomore year in college. While you are on your break, you received a call from your mom asking you if you could look after your nephew and make sure he is taken care of while his parents were away for 7 days.

He is in his first year in junior high school and currently quite rebellious. So it's your job to make sure that he goes to school, doesn't get into trouble, and never find your porn stash.

The game is a mixture of Sim with lots of mini games and dialogues. You can go around your apartment and check up on your nephew. You have to do your daily chores while keeping an eye to your nephew, make sure he doesn't go to nasty websites on your computer, skip school and come home before curfew.

There will be mini games, when you cook, hiding your stash, monitoring when he web surf(make sure he doesn't find that specific website), cleaning, and helping his homework. There are also dialogue options when interacting with him, so he'll do what you ask him to do such as; scolding and praising. Or maybe giving him suggestions and advises for his problems which will increase your friendship with him.

Main goal of the game is to make sure he is taken care of for the better, and there is an additional cutscene on the ending when you reached the highest level of his friendship.


(Taken from Barakamon Anime and editted -