Submissions by andinalmira tagged 20

The game takes place at a little house in the middle of the woods, far from any human village. Vulnerable to creepy creatures of the dark.

As the only person living in there, you are in danger! Protect home every night fall until the sunrises. The game will count how many day you'd survive. In the day time you ought to do the usual things for your survival; Firewood, Food Stock and many others.

Firewood is essential for surviving through the night, but be careful they tend to steal stuff from you and make your life miserable. Once you lose any source of light you won't immediately die, but your house will first get damage, and you still have a chance to repair it at that moment while producing more light source. You have the choice to repair the house later in the day as well so later you could have some wood for the night.

.Le joli monde de Denis ZIlber