Submissions by amberjulian tagged the-seeker

23/07/2015 - The Seeker

The Seeker is a 2D sandbox/social RPG made primarily for online multiplayer. While a lot of games focus on some quest or goal set by the developer, The Seeker is primarily about the fun of the reaching new skill levels and gaining better statistics. It's up to the player whether they want their goal to be beating the strongest monsters, making the strongest equipment, earning the most money or owning the best pets or houses, with multi player acting as both an incentive (to be the best, or useful to the community) and a way to take the edge off the grinding.

There would be a few different quests in the game, but character strength development would mostly be gained through grinding monsters for character exp as well as fighting skill exp (such as sword fighting and blocking, or spell casting), gaining rare drops from enemies (usually in the form of a gem needed for blacksmithing the strongest armours), and taming better pets/mounts using the tame skill. There would be an obvious path to follow through the diverse areas in the game, but players would never be (too) forced into taking one route. For example, if you wanted to become the best lumberer and carpenter, you could reach a new area with new trees by crafting a boat/airship once your skill is high enough, if it was taming you were working on you could learn to tame a swimming/flying mount to reach stronger pets (yes they can fight). If you just wanted to kill things you could sell monster drops to npcs in order to buy your way around from other npcs. The possibilities are only limited by the amount of skills available in the game, and your desire to grind any of your choosing.

This game would be on PC only since it isn't designed to be a massive game, more like a sandbox you can meet new people in while feeling like you're achieving something.

Image copied on 23/07/2015 from this URL, it was made with RPG Maker VX Ace according to the website.