Submissions by amberjulian tagged multiplayer

Game Requires:

Coin cards, 1g, 5g, 10g, 25g 50g

Class cards

Level tokens

Exp cards

Weapon cards

Armor Cards

Item Cards

Quest Cards.

Boss Cards


Attack/hp/defense cards (for keeping track of base stats after leveling, and how much hp you have left).

Random Encounter Decks (Three lane decks per difficulty deck, three difficulty decks representing different lengths of time you want to spend playing the game with higher rewards and less monster hp the easier the deck).


Healer, gains 1 hp + 0.5hp per level every roll, low attack.

Duelist: 2x Attack on first turn only.

Tank: Massive hp pool, blocks 1 damage.


Object of the game is to beat the last boss first.

Players each choose their class for the game.

Game is turn based so roll dice to determine starting player.

The Map:

The Shop Zone:

This comprises of 5 important parts at the bottom of the map..

The Armory where the player may buy armor at any time so long as they are standing on it.

The church where players may be instantly returned to full health.

The weaponsmith where players may buy weapons at any time so long as they are standing on it.

The item shop where players may buy misc items at any time so long as they are standing on it.

The quest giver where players may pick up a quest card.

The Lanes:

Players may only enter the second lane after the first boss has been beaten.

Players may only enter the third lane after the second boss has been completed.

Note: there will be illustrations of this on the game board, so it will be perfectly clear.

Each lane has a different random encounter deck, so low level are only fighting monsters their level.

Quick Travel:

The middle path is a quick travel area and is free from random encounters and is the only area safe from pvp. Players may use this to take shortcuts for a price. Players may acquire "travel safe" cards which may be used to travel this path for free. Prices would be shown on the game board.

Player Stats:

Players have base stats and stat gains per level written on their class card. Players level when they have enough exp to enter the next level (extra exp carries over). When a player levels, they receive a certain number of attack/defense/hp cards. Exp needed per level would be some easily calculated formula, like 100 + (level-1 * 10).


The player rolls the dice and proceeds the number of steps shown on the die in a singular direction of their choice. If they are in the shop zone they may stop moving at any stage otherwise they must continue the whole way.

If the player lands of on someone they may choose to duel with current HP and stats.. Winner gets 50g off the their opponent, loser loses 50g to winner and returns to start (with exp still in tact)..

If the player ends their turn on a shop, the next player may start their turn while the original player may take their time reading the cards and deciding what to purchase.

If the player ends their turn in a lane, they must pick up a random encounter card. The one they get is dependant on the lane they end their turn in. These cards may give you a random item, they may be a trap (where you lose hp or an item), but they're most likely to be a battle.

If the player picks up a random encounter card with a battle on it, they must use every sequential turn trying to end the battle. On the battle card is the enemies stats, escape chance and the rewards for beating it. Damage dealt/received in battle is mostly dependant on equipment and levels, with dice roll playing a lesser part.

If a person dies at any stage, they respawn at the church minus all their exp towards the next level (except in pvp)


Once a player feels that they are strong enough to take on a boss, they may challenge it by walking up (through the lane, only) and stopping at it. Exact rolls are unnecessary for the first two bosses, but are needed for the last one. Boss battles play out like any other battle, except they have a few extra abilities (as shown on the cards). Bosses have a high exp reward as well as high gold reward and random items may be received, so defeating them as early as possible is key.

Defenders of the Reignstones is a side scrolling Hack'N'Slash RPG where you play as a designated leader of a party of adventurers across a series of areas with a basic story (think Castle Crashers). While you control just one person, the rest of your AI team continues to fight on its own (or you can allow a friend to join giving a reward such as increased exp).

There are a few different characters on screen at once, each attacking with a different element, for example, poison archer, earth warrior, fire mage, water summoner, holy support. Each character levels individually with the party leader/s gaining the majority of the experience making it impossible to progress without playing each character individually since different bosses will have different weaknesses.

Zones will be split into slightly different stories ("leads" to follow) with different zones having a few different quests, side quests and repeatable quests allowing you to grind levels for your current leader character.

Game is meant to be played on PC, Playstation or Xbox.

Screenshot of Castle Crashers - A similar game.
