Submissions by amberjulian tagged card-game

Royalty is a 2 player card game played with normal cards.

Set Up:

First you must take out the jacks, queens, kings and jokers and set them aside.

Next you must set up all the other cards in a face down array, just like if you were about to play "memory" with them.

Both players have a different main colour of card, so split the royalty cards by colour and give all of each colour to their corresponding player, players also get one Joker each. They should put their cards face up in front of them in a row.

Game Play:

Players take turns picking up a card from the array of face downs and choosing a royalty card to place it on (face down so the opponent can't see what it is, but can see that you are not changing it half way through the game, since this is not allowed).

The different royalties have different multipliers for the numbers on the cards(their armies), so a smart player would aim to put as high a card as possible on the Joker who has the highest multiplier and their lowest cards on the Jack who has the lowest.

Multipliers are as follows:

  • Joker x 4
  • King x 3
  • Queen x 2
  • Jack x 1

Once all the royalties have been equipped with a number card, players must "fight" them against each-other; that is, all the totals are added up, and whoever has reached the highest wins.

If players wanted to, they could add in extra rules such as 5s get a x5 bonus on a jack, or aces can be used in conjunction with another card on the same person, but only at the end.