Submissions by Alex Cai tagged test

This game where it can only be played locally. Reason behind this is that the game has a certain timeline to it and things are very specific as to what happens during each part of the game. The game will have a split/screen feature where you can still play and co-operate with friends. The game takes place in high-school and University and the year levels will represent the levels of the game. The goal of this game is to use the time during each level to prepare to cheat on the end-of-year test at the end of the level. During this time, you will need to gather notes, prepare a place to hide them and co-ordinate a plan with your friends if you are playing multiplayer. The game can be alternated between first and third person mode where players play in an instance which is the school they are playing in. During the test, they will have to move quietly, communicate in creative ways without drawing any attention.

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