Oktober-Fist is a booze fuelled fighter in which combatants from all over the globe meet at a specific location once a year. The top drunken brawlers from all over the world gather to fight for the ultimate prize, the OktoberFIST!
The game will be presented in a similar fashion to Street Fighter and Tekken, in which the player will pick a character and win brawls to progress to the final round, pitted against the defending champion – equipped with the power of the OktoberFIST. Upon defeating the champion, the player will then be able to complete as their successful characters with the OktoberFIST equipped – this opens up the game to further gameplay and experimentation.
Character Ideas:
Intended for PC, Xbox One and Play Station 4.
Reference image: https://dribbble.com/shots/1975787-Oktoberfest