Submissions by aidan.fox6298 tagged oblique

Dungeon Crawler: Space Explorer is fairly self-explanatory, a dungeon crawler set in space – the dungeons refer to spaceships or planets that the player can infiltrate. This is idea is an expansion on a previous game I made of the same name, except with a better understanding of mechanics.

This game will take into account a crew system – this means that the player will generate a crew of four random members. Each member will have random species, abilities and stats – the reason for this is to have strengths and weaknesses dependant on the environment (procedurally generated planet/space ship). For the sake of immersion simple story components may also get randomised, such as name, backstory and perhaps even home-world.

The crew select screen will be similar to that of Risk of Rain with all crew members strapped into the ship, if I have the time and skill I would prefer random or premade ships in which characters will walk around speaking random dialogue.

An example for strengths and weaknesses is generating an alien fish-based species, with the benefit on damp worlds, buffing stats – however weaker on desert planets (both hot and cold deserts in this case). The purpose of this is to pick crew members wisely for missions (dungeon exploring) and punishing players who lose their members that benefit from certain zones.

This idea also takes into account the rogue-like mechanics, therefore following a similar system as Darkest Dungeon in regards to multiple characters, except without the ability to hire other members – once a crew member dies, they're dead for good. Unlike Darkest Dungeon the player will only send in one member for each mission, successful extraction will mean better weapons, stats and possibly abilities.

The gameplay will be similar to that of Nuclear Throne taking into account the pace, however with larger environments. Only some missions will have bosses.


  • Procedurally generated environments
  • Multiple character rogue-like
  • Randomly generated crew of four with individual permadeath mechanic
    • Random stats, abilities and species
    • Random name, backstory and home-world
  • 2D pixel art oblique art style

Intended for PC (Steam)

PS: This is a project I'm currently working on

Reference Image: "Space Crew" by Aidan Fox (Me)