Submissions by aidan.fox6298 tagged exploration

Scouts is a sci-fi exploration game in which the player takes control of a man-made robot with limited battery power, whilst you have energy it is your main goal to gather as much information possible to assist mankind.

After each exploration, the player will be scored based on how many different things get analysed, such as flora, fauna and other substances – this will be represented as percentages under each category, and depending on how low the values may be will result in a news feed, telling of the troubles that may have resulted in human deaths. Dying to any hostile life-forms will end the scouting prematurely sending even less information, almost making the humans go in blind when personally colonising the planet.

If a score is too low then the robot will get decommissioned or memory-wiped, ending their exploration spree – this is because scouts only run out of battery but can be recharged once humans set foot on the foreign terrain, therefore keeping the superior scouts.

A strong feature in this game will be the art direction, both a reward and a distraction as your limited-life requires quick movement, sacrificing important exploration time just to absorb the atmosphere and environment. A couple sources for inspiration are Hello Games' "No Man's Sky" and Thatgamecompany's Journey (PS3).


  • Pressure of time limit
  • Randomly generated environments and scenarios
  • Pleasant art style
  • Scoring through a newsfeed situation

Intended for PC, Xbox One and Play Station 4

Reference Image: "Desert Ghosts" by Kurunya