Submissions by aidan.fox6298 tagged eating-sim

Banana Split is a variation on a dating sim, where the player sets out to please their lunch so it will taste nicer when eaten – one might even call it an eating sim. Much like most titles in the dating sim genre, there are multiple love interests, however in this case the target is a little… bananas – therefore the multiple interactions are with different personalities, because the banana suffers from split personality disorder.

The goal of the player is to please as many personalities as possible; each persona has a name and randomly generated set of traits that the player must remember for optimal verbal stability. This game will be somewhat of a mashup of Hot Date by George Batchelor a dating sim involving pugs with unique interactions and the premise behind Pixar's Inside Out involving vast differences in character.

To add a degree of difficulty, the banana can switch personality mid-date, therefore forcing the player to adapt to the significant dialogue change and recall mental notes.

Why a banana? Puns. I am aware of the connotations of 'dating' a banana, but it's strictly for the purpose of consumption.


  • Eating Sim (variation on the Dating Sim genre)
  • Comical premise with serious insight into split personality disorder
  • Dating Sim with dynamically changing 'dates' and randomly generated traits per personality
  • Scoring system based on how much the protagonist enjoys the taste of the banana by the end of the game
  • Fairly short, repeatable gameplay

Intended for PC (Steam) or mobile devices (iOS/Android)

Reference image: "Banana Split Personality" by Jonny Hawkins