Submissions by aidan.fox6298 tagged dog-fights

Flying Fish is a multiplayer, arena-style game based around aerial combat in which two teams battle it out to claim the skies. The flying/combat mechanics seek inspiration from the Star Wars Battlefront II space battles, War Thunder and Snoopy Flying Ace - Though the character classes draw inspiration from the first-person shooter, Team Fortress 2.

This game can consist of multiple game modes, but is mainly intended for team deathmatch.

Character classes consist of the following:

Behemoth (Blue Whale) – This class of airship floats around the map on a set track, much like the star-destroyers from Star Wars Battlefront II, players can mount turrets located on top and underneath the vessel. However, unlike the aforementioned game, inevitably destroying one of these does not instantly win you the match, except it nets your team a slightly substantial amount of points.

Guppy – The smallest available fighter, physical appearance is a mix between that of a seat/canopy of a motorcycle and the silhouette of a goldfish. Fastest ship and weakest in regards to how many hits in can endure. Its main purpose is to deal damage and avoid sticky situations.

Puffer (Puffer-fish) – The most durable, player-controlled fighter which in turn moves at a slow pace. Its shots and fire rate are slower than that of the Guppy's, however deal more damage if collision occurs. This fighter can also transform itself by increasing its size to that of a sphere, allowing the player to ram other ships, taking decreased damage.

Jelly (Jellyfish) – The standard support-class that every multiplayer arena needs, much like that of a Medic (Team Fortress 2), it links up to an allied ship, with its tendrils, repairing hull damage and restoring ammunition. Connecting to a Guppy will cause the Jellyfish-class vessel to move faster, but will in turn slow down the connected Guppy. When not connected to neighbouring ships, the Jelly-class ship will move at a slightly faster pace than that of the Puffer. In regards to durability, it's somewhere in between the Guppy and the Puffer.

Crisp and colourful art style, similar to that of Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed which should in turn drag in a larger player-base.

Intended platforms are Steam (Windows/Mac), Xbox One and Play Station 4.

In regards to the computer versions, both keyboard and controller compatibility would be available.

Side note – I am aware that whales are mammals (not fish), but they suit the behemoth role the best - Shh. No tears. Only dreams now.

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