wrote half a page in the bujo

More submissions by mana for daily notebooking

A submission by mana for daily notebooking

forgor to write in the bujo, but I wrote 3 pages in my regular journal :D

A submission by mana for daily notebooking

we went out for chinese food for dinner and I journaled my day in my bujo and glued down both of our fortunes from our fortune cookies :3

A submission by mana for daily notebooking

i have once again slept all dang day and written maybe a sentence in a notebook ;w;

A submission by mana for daily notebooking

I got a vaccination yesterday so I spent much of today sleeping; I don't think I wrote anything down ;w;

A submission by mana for daily notebooking

only tracked my day ;w; did nut write in journal

A submission by mana for daily notebooking

today I wrote 2 and 1/2 pages in my journal as part of a thought exercise for therapy, and I also filled out a page in my bujo tracking my day

A submission by mana for daily notebooking

i wrote two whole pages in my journal and my day in my bujo took up a whole page today!!

A submission by mana for daily notebooking

wrote a page and a half in my journal and tracked my day in my bujo

jotted some stuff down about my day before bed

tracked my day in my bujo and wrote about three pages in my journal; mostly just getting some of my thoughts out about therapy.

tracking my day in my bujo, I also wrote 2 pages on the cognitive behavioral model as "homework" for therapy, examining some automatic thoughts I have and putting them on trial.

I wrote exactly four sentences in my journal before getting MEGA distracted x3
but! i did track my day in my bujo at least!

tracked my day in the bujo (1/2 page)

I wrote ~2 pages in my journal, mostly doing the CBT exercises I learned in therapy because something was bothering me (but writing about it helped!)

i have tracked my day today in bujo!

barely tracked anything, I got what I ate into my bujo ;;

tracked my day in my bujo, didn't write in my journal at all ;w;

about 1/2 a page in the journal and some lines in the bujo, slept much of the day D:

tracked my day in my bujo, did my therapy homework (not a notebook, but I wrote it!)

daily notebooking

write in a notebook every day!

joined 36 days ago
