Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 2 years ago (2022-09-06T06:00:00Z). Goes forever.
I use notebooks for many things, and own enough to document and keep an inventory of them, but I'm struggling to write in them regularly. It usually works in bursts; sometimes I write 10 pages in one day, sometimes I write just one line, and sometimes I don't write at all.
I want to write more regularly, so I'll try to at least write a single line a day to keep the habit. Feel free to join me and set your own writing goals!
Half a page of bujo and nine pages of journal :0
Half a page of bujo and three pages of journal
Half a page of bujo and a page and a half of journal
Half a page of bujo, a page and a half of journal, and a page of notes.
Just one line of journal. Bweh.
almost 2 pages of journal! (about 1 & 3/4 page)
Half a page of bujo and one line of journal. I finished the current bujo!
Half a page of bujo and one line of journal.
wrote 1 page in my journal & tracked my day in my bujo
One and a half pages of bujo and five pages of journal.
filled out my weekly log & my habit tracker for next week in my bujo
½ page of bujo and nine pages of journal.
½ page of bujo, and 13 pages of writing notebook. I finished this writing notebook, the 28th notebook of the year.
Half a page of the current bujo, three pages in the next bujo to prepare it, four pages of journal, and six pages of writing notebook!
I also went back through the current bujo and stuck washi tape to decorate and fill in the blanks on many pages.
Half a page of bujo, three pages of journal, half a page of notes
Half a page of bujo and one page of journal
5 pages in journal :D
made them very nice looking too >w<
plus a page in my bujo!