Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Think I'm gonna quit this streak, now that I have guaranteed 5 days a week of art it feels unnecessary, maybe I'll rejoin in the summer.
Goodbye, and keep up the amazing art everyone!:D
Ps. See some of you in Make Games. ;)
Finished project thing, don't have picture, thoughts: "meh, could be worse."
Started on my final copy of the first part, really unhappy, like the rough one so much better, don't have a picture to post and don't really want to, but I did work. (also about to start on the homework assignment of drawing 3 figures so maybe I'll update with a picture if it goes well)
We're doing a [3-week! I don't know how to work that long on something] Multi-part project in art, so today I started with a rough sketch, but honestly don't know how I'm gonna drag it out far, but I'll figure it out. We were given (well, we swapped) objects wrapped in paper, and we have to draw
1) A picture of the wrapped object,
2) A picture of what we imagine could be in it (mine is obviously a spray paint can but I'll try and be creative), and
3) A picture of the real object, placed in a larger, creative composition
Also all the pictures are only charcoal, so idk how to spend that long on them:0
So in art today we did 15 minute charcoal portraits, and I'm rather happy with mine but then they look terrible when I try to take a picture, so instead you can look at my doodles from when the teacher was explaining stuff
So I've been making art, which is all that matters to me, but I'm doing it and handing it in in art class so I guess I should take pictures first that way I can keep up this streak, although its less important now that I don't need the motivation.
Wish I had of taken a picture of those hands after I cleaned them up and played with a blending stump and they looked 100x better but oh well.
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heh oops this is rotated whatever