Submissions from 2018-01-30 to 2018-01-31 (3 total)

Today I worked on getting the walls to show up better than plain squares.
When placed they now auto update the texture properly.
I do have a few graphical glitches to work out still. (I might just try having each piece be it's own texture instead of combining them all into one)

I also think I may have missed a few cases, but that is for another day.

Added something I've been meaning to get to: missing! Now attacks actually have the concept of not always hitting! For now, its a straight 50/50 RNG roll, but eventually it will be configurable per the ability, and might be modified by things like Entity accuracy, blind state, or target's evasiveness.

Implementing it required giving all AbilityVisualizations the concept of 'missing' as well. The only one I've gotten around to implementing is the ProjectileVisualization. Now, it actually goes past the intended target if it misses! It doesn't do anything fancy like detecting walls, so it looks kinda silly, but that can be refined later.

Today I refactored the state machine, it is smoother and inputs are now where they belong (except for the normal world state... yet)

Also, I added some more functionality for the inventory submenu, but it's not quite ready yet :)

no visual changes, so no gif.

see changes here: