Genre: Creature - Collection
Platform: Pc
Target Audience: The main attraction of the game would be collecting different type of species or monsters and completing an encyclopedia. The audience would be from 15 to 30 years old.
Game Description: You're a kid that loves to play in the backyard of his house watching the insects everyday, with a wild imagination you start to create your own designs inspired by the them and draw some in your notebook and give them names.
The objective of the game is to entertain yourself making combinations of the insects you watch and try discovering all the possible outcomes.
The controls of the game would be easy because the player will only use the mouse most of the time as a magnifying glass.
The art will be drawn by hand and would be like scribbles made by a 12 year old kid.
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The music would be relax and try to give the vibes of a playground. For my example I will use Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - Main Theme.