Submissions from 2015-03-06 to 2015-03-07 (3 total)

Did multiple minor tasks again today. Also changed the layout a bit, I think it looks a lot better now, what do you think? (I'll add an image below). Help and Diplomacy buttons are currently not working, I'll add their functionality later, maybe even tomorrow. :)

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Yesterday's update can be found here.
In a case of any questions or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me here or on twitter. ;)

Today I married the data from the Tiled TMX file with the movement code I already wrote. I also started some basic graphical stuff to get some immediate feedback on any changes I make.

Started reading data today and modifying things as needed. Moved some things into smaller functions.I think I know what all but two bytes of the datafile is now. Right now they're read and labeled with a /* ??? */ comment. I also have the first part converting from the raw file structure into the higher level structure.