Started 10 years ago (February 1st 2015, 5 am).
Ended 10 years ago (February 28th 2015, 5 am).

I don't know about everyone else, but I have a ton of library books (and my own books, but they can wait... since I own them) that haven't been read yet. By me, at least.

Since I am constantly disappointing myself by having to return these books without ever having opened them, I think maybe I'll challenge/force myself to take at least 30 minutes out of my day to read them. Hopefully, if I can stick to this streak, I'll develop a reading habit! It'll be like high school all over again!

Recent submissions (7 total)

I actually DID read yesterday -_-'

Maybe I should start a streak to make sure I submit to my streaks every day!

I actually did read yesterday, but I forgot to submit -_-

So sad.