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Recent submissions (10 total)

I posted about a feed related to Second Life, the next installment of my current series on my French blog, a burger test on that same blog, and logged two dreams I had during the week on my wiki.

I posted part two on my French blog as I wanted to, and did a quick post on an RSS feed from NASA. I kept the notebooks and books updated on my wiki as well.

I posted a burger test on my French blog, featured a feed of books into my RSS blog, and posted two dreams I had during the week on my wiki.

I intended to post part 2 of the post I made last week on my French blog, and planned to work on it this weekend, but the mess that is my sleep schedule interfered and removed all of my motivation.

I have multiple blogs and websites that I want to keep alive, and use my blogging as a way to force myself to also work on programming projects by documenting the research I do there. I have a schedule of blog posts that I am trying to keep, and it makes me post at least once a week on two different blogs: a french blog about many various topics, and an RSS feed about RSS feeds. I sometimes miss a week or two and want to force myself to post at least one thing a week anywhere.

This week, I got back on track after being a bit late on my french blog. I published the first part of a post that became so huge I am splitting it into three or four parts at least. I already wrote one short post that will get out next week, but I'll make another one.

I did two posts on my RSS blog, one about an award a friend gave me, and one about a not-well-known XML namespace.

On my Swedish blog about reading, https://lastips.tumblr.com I'm posting a different reason to read every week starting now.

A submission for Weekly Blog

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A submission for Weekly Blog

Translation of an old post of mine I was procrastinating. It’s not much, but it’s a start!


Weekly update to my blog, this time talking about Oxenfree and what exactly it was that made me enjoy it so much.


I figured I may as well join a streak to help convince me to continue this, going to try and release a new post every friday at http://write.as/kerri/

Read my introduction post here: I've often wondered...