Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 9 years ago (January 12th 2016, 5 am).
Ended 9 years ago (January 26th 2016, 5 am).
Anyone can find an hour a day to work on that thing they've been meaning to get done. For me, that thing is Yo to the Yo!, but you're welcome to join in with a development project of your own! This is a two week streak for a balance of achievability and challenge.
I continued working on the string today, and have only just begun to have an idea about how I will render it. Overall I'm very happy with what I accomplished during the streak. for president!
Refined the string sim and disabled the old rigid body string. Now trying to devise a pixel shader for the string.
Finally did the Verlet yoyo string simulation I had been putting off for a long time. It's pretty cool, and it came together quickly, but it's going to need a lot of tuning before it's good.
Fixed an insidious handful of randomly occurring errors in world generation. Going to do a ton more later.
Improved performance of world generation by 400% and implemented pre-loading of textures for entire world at start of level to prevent hiccups.
Most productive day of the streak so far. Lots of commits. Added functioning displays for time remaining, score, and tricks.
Lots of good progress, and may have come upon the feature I was searching for.
Iterated on the GUI for a 6th time, and added a limited set of space and moon panels.
Did a bunch of good stuff, but realized that I will probably have to unlock the camera's x-axis for the game to feel right. That's not super easy, because the backgrounds weren't made for that. It's doable if it's worth it though. I took a 5th go at a GUI mockup, and I like it so far. It's less intrusive and more useful than the prior attempts.
Added another zone and started adding GUI.
Squeezed an hour in just to keep the streak going. So, that's the first success of this technique for me :D
I ended up with a decent enough GUI mockup after the 4th iteration. After that, I refactored my world generation code to support mild randomization and interconnected fixed-theme "zones" of arbitrary length. So, now I can just say "give me 8 panels of sky zone, and transition into 16 panels of cloud zone," and it works nicely.
Did another 2 hours today; might get another one in before bed. I'm making UI mockups in Photoshop, which I hate doing, but it has to be done before I can show the game anyway.
I'm 2 hours in so far, and 3 major commits. I'd like to post some pictures by the end of the streak, but it's not my priority.
I have a lot of client projects going on; I just want to make continuous progress on Yo to the Yo! so that it doesn't die like most of my original projects do when paid work gets too heavy.