Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 10 years ago (January 28th 2015, 1 pm).
Ended 10 years ago (February 27th 2015, 1 pm).
Write down 10 ideas every day. About anything. It doesn't matter if they are business ideas, book ideas, ideas for surprising your spouse in bed, ideas for what you should do if you are arrested for shoplifting, ideas for how to make a better tennis racquet, anything you want. The key is that it has to be ten or more.
You want your brain to sweat.
To hurt to come up with more and more ideas. One possibility right now is to list ten ideas that are "too big for me" and what the next steps might be. For instance, one idea might be "launch solar panels into outerspace to more efficiently generate solar power". Another idea might be, "genetically engineer a microbe that sucks the salt out of water". I have no idea if that's even possible. Another idea might be, "within one year I am going to write a book and give away a million copies for free".
The first step would be to write the book. Then maybe I can crowd fund on kickstarter to give the book away for free. OR, I can maybe print up nano-sized copies of the book so that you can only read it with a microscope but it would only cost me a couple of sheets of paper to print up a million copies. And so on. With the solar panels, I can call up SpaceX and see how much it would cost to rent space. For the microbe that desalinates…I have no idea. Can you help me?
You don't ever have to look at these ideas again. The purpose is not to come up with a good idea. The purpose is to have 1000s of ideas over time. To develop the idea muscle and turn it into a machine.
I have appropriated this description from James Altucher who is the inspiration for this streak.
Day 7! I usually have too many ideas in my head to implement, so feel free to steal some.
My theme for today is a better society.
How can me improve on the European (German) society, so it's fair for everyone.
HOW YOU CAN IMPROVE THE SOCIETY: donate every month to organisations helping to make the world a better place, e.g. the red cross
every little donation helps! Be nice, offer your help without expecting anything in return, fight for the rights of others.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this!
licensed as CC-BY 3.0 (attribute me as Rick Hoppmann -
The image is not included in the license.
Day 6! I usually have too many ideas in my head to implement, so feel free to steal some.
My theme for today is apartment.
licensed as CC-BY 3.0 (attribute me as Rick Hoppmann -
The image is not included in the license.
Day 4! I usually have too many ideas in my head to implement, so feel free to steal some.
My theme for today is blogging.
licensed as CC-BY 3.0 (attribute me as Rick Hoppmann -
The image is not included in the license.
Day 3! I usually have too many ideas in my head to implement, so feel free to steal some.
My theme for today is
licensed as CC-BY 3.0 (attribute me as Rick Hoppmann -
The image is not included in the license.
Let's do this! I usually have too many ideas in my head to implement, so feel free to steal some.
My theme for today is moss.
licensed as CC-BY 3.0 (attribute me as Rick Hoppmann -