Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
Started 10 years ago (February 11th 2015, 11 am).
Ended 10 years ago (March 11th 2015, 11 am).
Post at what time you woke up each day. Nothing much else to it, really.
Missed the deadline yesterday by 5 minutes... :'(
cutting it close. damn daylight saving time
Didn't submit yesterday cause I spent all night working and obviously didn't get up in time (the first time I actually didn't get up before noon since the streak started!). It's alright though, I'm back on track today!
Il y a une grosse baisse ces derniers jours, que vous arrive-t-il ? :p
Welp, missed a day because i overslept.
Il me semble de plus en plus difficile de trouver le temps de rédiger quelque chose, par ici :(.