Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
This doesn't do the original justice. I started in on details too early before locking down the proportions. The end sculpt is definitely off, but I couldn't get a feel for what was wrong. (I suspect its something with the jaw, temples, and eye sockets)
Spent a lot of time on this one. The snakes have a bezier curve modifier in blender, so they were easy to arrange. The render could be better, my computer was getting wierd from the work load so I ended up compositing a bunch of premature renders into one.
joined 3,611 days ago
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@Foumart critiques are always welcome! I think you're right, the face doesn't have a proper sized skull to sit on. Perhaps after a week or so I can make another try at this one, the original is really something else:
Nice sculpts! I don't see the ear attached well and maybe the brain part (lobe) is small (from this point of view). Sorry for the critique - I just want to help. Keep up the good work!