today was a live q&a session i decided to watch about that whole disappointing nft project thing that suddenly came up. i prepared a set of questions, asked a few, and as expected left pretty disappointed that the orchestrators of the project seem willfully unaware of the kind of damage nfts are doing, and that they're willing to sacrifice a lot of their reputation as community leaders to achieve a lofty goal despite all uncertainties.

maybe the only half-good thing that comes out of it is that i can be pretty certain the people i like are not doing it out of ill-will or personal profit, but because their passion for buying this dead game's IP is actually higher than their moral boundaries surrounding NFTs. the plan still appears so loose and naive. i earnestly hope they learn the hard way, and in due time, fail to meet their goals so that they're forced to pivot to something more reasonable. i don't really want to wish that, but i don't want them to see success with NFTs in a way that allows them to buy the game that i love.

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