Streak Club is a place for hosting and participating in creative streaks.
I moved today so lots of chaos but I did a little journaling writing some quick thoughts and feels about this very hard but even more special day.
wrote thoughts I then burned for a spell
notes on my currently in progress crochet project
more thoughts writing - keeping it short, today was long
Wrote a page of thoughts from today... I don't like doing it because I don't like seeing these panicky words but I realize it's helpful because it pushes me to look at these thoughts more rationally than emotionally
yesterday I did hand write - again just new job notes... - but fell asleep on my couch before I could post so let's see if this works...
wrote and copied in a better form all my notes from my first day at my new job!
Now I plan to write some thought about today in my journal but hasn't happened yet..
Update: filled 3 and a half pages of my journal with thoughts
Wrote the first of a series of Tarot tips I have found in my witch journal
More journaling slef-therapy coz flashback I must have repressed for a long time and now connections are slowly happening ane I need to keep track - 3 journal pages
It was looooong day full of stuff to do, to fix, to solve... so the best I could do was handwriting my lists fo things I had to go shop for and the ones for groceries for both me and my parent.
I'm moving tomorrow so I'll count this for once...
Wrote down my findings about the power of tying a simple black thread/yarn on your wirst or ankle for energy work (I have tested these on myself and so far I can only say wow)
Using this daily commitment to finally write in my witch journal the info I saved digitally. Written a chart on the differences between jinexes, hexes, curses.
joined 845 days ago
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